
Mikayla Mitchell supports others to live in alignment with building their business without sacrificing a piece of themselves in the process. Mikayla works with some of the most intentional and conscious businesses.

Mikayla will be spending a good amount of time out on the land, learning from the land, listening, hibernating, writing, dancing, and channeling her own version of a wisdom school direct from the elements and teachers who may come along on the journey.

To her, it feels like the transition from the old to the new world needs those who can create the bridge and be fearless in walking it. We need those who aren't afraid to go at it alone, but who can eventually turn back around and let them know the other side is safe.

“That's what I feel I'm here to do. To eventually serve as a way-shower that we can live a life of magic while still staying grounded in our earthly bodies - and that heaven on earth is actually possible. That we do have the power to create a life as we want it and that we are beautifully supported by the universe along the way.”