Create the magic of what you want, in your life and spirit.


Dear Hestia,

Thank you for welcoming me and my spirit. Thank you for welcoming my hopes, my dreams, my fears, and my wounds. Within the shadow of mama Shasta and amongst the trees and the tranquility I have found a home in the north.

The winter chill and the crisp sunny air turn my lodgings into a cozy hideaway for mediation and reflection. The land becomes a soft landing for my musings and ponderings and explorations. Venturing farther out from the Hestia land itself, I find majestic water-snowmelt lakes, waterfalls, and rivers and streams. Every time I come, I expand on my feeling of community and leave with a refreshed vision. I first went to Hestia with the hope of finding a welcoming place near Mt. Shasta and now it’s firmly become a place to land. Belinda has also been integral to this. Thank you for welcoming me. I’m there in spirit as I write.

I’ll be back in physical form soon.


I offer these words to you, future guest. To me the magic of Hestia lies in being still and being open. Enjoying the sounds and the sights of the water rushing by. Hiking in the crisp mountain air surrounded by beauty. It’s coming with a precious friend and leaving with more precious community.

It’s coming at a time of sounds healing, or new moon energy, or to learn a healing modality has been really supportive. When I think of a place to self-retreat, but amongst friends, I think of Hestia. Asking for what you want in terms of the space and working with Belinda will help create the magic of what you want in your life and spirit.

Explore it, savor it, enjoy!


seeker, gatherer, retreatant, new tree-hugger